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Tuesday, 24 January 2012


So,I've been told to get blogging for a while now. To be honest,I had no excuse. I was just too lazy. I'm only a little less lazy,but I guess I've given in.
"What to expect here?" Yes,I've asked myself this as well. To be honest,it will be mostly my thoughts on various things. Many of them not too serious. (This is my cue to smile). What does "thoughts in a script mean anyway?" Well,in my opinion,a script is usually a story...most likely going to be made into some television act or perhaps stage performance....but mostly television act. (I don't plan on any of this mambo jumbo being turned into something of that kind though!)  Now,within this story,there is a thought,or a bunch of them that the writer is trying to bring out,or have you bring out in your mind. When I write something,I like to view it as a story (yes,my school work included. It makes everything much more interesting). And of course this story has a lot of my thinking put into it. hence the word "thoughts". Do you see how "thoughts in a script" comes about? You don't? Really?? 
Hopefully,tomorrow shall bring forth results.

Oh,and I plan on making my blog posts as regular as possible...
Until next time,these are the thoughts in a script! :-)

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