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Monday, 19 March 2012

Of Ovens and Shoes

This sky needs to make up its mind. One moment I see clouds the next the sun is out and scorching. We need rain. And fast!! My mouth feels like I'm sucking on dry cotton balls because of the heat. (I know I'm weird,generally,but is THAT normal? The cotton ball thing. I don't get myself sometimes). I mean,people are beginning to smell more and more like chicken feed by the day. I don't think this heat understands the concept of "taking a break". It should look it up and do the needful. Eish!! Sunglasses can work for just a while.
Anyway,back to the weird things I experience on my own...aha! :D I asked my friends what I should blog about today and all but one proved to be useless. Why do I even bother with these humans though? And somehow I have crazy love for them. I really am a special one.
"Write about random stuff that's caught your eye" he said (well,he didn't say that exactly but something to that effect anyway.) I'd like to first of all clarify that I am weird. I watch sitcoms and laugh two hours later when I'm most likely eating or on the toilet seat. When it's raining outside and I have wet shoes,I'll pop them in the oven and let them dry. I don't like chocolate flavoured ice cream because I feel like chocolate is being mistreated by being turned into ice cream. I make smiley faces from the left over pizza crusts. And I hate that monotonous "From this moment" Shania Twain song that people play at their wedding receptions. I think it should be banned. Banned forever. People need to come up with new songs.
I still believe teachers are just created by God like angels and don't have parents unlike other human beings. And I don't like that purple telytubby because it has a manly voice and carries a red hand bag. It needs to be honest with us and tell us what exactly is going on. I just don't like it.
Which reminds me,is there anyone out there who has any other weird tendencies? I'd love it if you shared. We could form a support group. Gather around camp fires and sing "kumbaya". (Meanwhile,that is NOT a swahili song or word.) I hate camping. I find it un natural. If you want to go and explerience life in the wild,you don't need tents,marshmallows and rechargeable lanterns. You'll need a stick,a sweater and some rocks to hit birds with when you realise you're bored and should go back to civilisation. Camping is NOT natural. Leave those mzungu tendencies to those people.
These are just a few of the weird things that form my anatomy. Along the way,you may think of others and insert them between the commas created in your mind. Feel free to make more space for those thoughts. They are helpful.
Haaya! (Kenya has some influence on some of my expressions,such as the one I've just typed) Another hour,another activity. You'll hear from me again soon.
Until next time,these are the thoughts in a script :-)

Sent from my BlackBerry®

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